Who Are We

  • Established in 2003, ProDynamic Asia is a strategic consultancy for staff efficiency, personal and team potential development and inventor of motivational solutions for corporations. We help companies to out-imagine and out-grow their staff productivity and shape individuals to reach their highest potential in Asia.

Our Mission – “Ignite Your Best”

  • We aim to light up the highest personal & team potentials while enjoying the fun of the process. We believe all of us can become more effective, more efficient and more powerful given the opportunity, it is for us a lifelong process which begins with self-awareness, self-acceptance and followed by continuous improvement. Through our experienced consultants, we help discover the bigger self, work smarter with strategies, improve skills for personal and team productivity, and achieve the optimal performance.

Our Values

  • We customize solutions according to needs. We focus on important psychological and motivational issues addressing human needs through our market knowledge and training experience. We extract insights from our vast pool of project-related experiences in bridging cultural deficiencies, and develop a team and group´s best potentials.
  • We are quality driven and culture sensitive. We go beyond the training and development itself. In our staff development programs, we re-define staff efficiency in the critical area of corporate culture.
  • We focus on team synergy and results. We partner with our clients to strategize and design the ultimate solution that fits the corporate direction in staff performance. Together we draw actionable roadmaps to create synergistic and achievable results.