Yvonne Keung – Founder, Principal Training & Image Consultant

Yvonne  possesses more than 20 years extensive sales, management, training and staff development experience, providing her with wide-ranging employee effectiveness background.  She has delivered over 200 training classes, workshops and events, specializing in increasing business results through strategic selling & practices, service culture development, professional grooming & dressing consultancy, team synergy enhancement through personality analysis & experiential learning. Participants who have attended her programs ranged from senior executives to frontline staff from different cultures. Apart from Hong Kong, Yvonne has conducted training, seminars and team events in different parts of the world, includes United States, Japan, Thailand, Macau and over 10 cities in mainland China. Prior to her training & image consultancy career, she has solid front-line sales, customer service and sales management experience selling Apple Macintosh computers, telecom, office equipment and banking services.

Yvonne holds a Master degree of Management in Human Resources, Diploma in Training Management and possesses recognized qualifications such as MBTI Step I & II Accredited Administrator, NLP Practitioner, Time Line Therapy Practitioner, certified NLP Coach, Brain Gym Certificate by Educational Kinesiology Foundation (US) and trainer-trained in famous leadership, personal effectiveness and advanced selling programs.

As a member of AICI, The Association of Image Consultants International and personally trained & coached by Christina Ong, AICI CIM of The Academy of Imageworks Asia in Singapore, Yvonne has combined her extensive corporate & training experience to provide image consultancy services to both individual & corporate clients.

Lesley Watt – Training Consultant & Coach

  • Bachelor of Arts, University of Hong Kong
  • Diploma in Training Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Certified Trainer of the Coaching Clinic® (Corporate Coach U International)
  • Professional Certificate in Image Consultancy, LiPACE, Open University of Hong Kong
  • Accredited Administrator of DISC® and MBTI®

Shireena Shroff – Certified Image Consultant

  • Bachelor of Internatinal Business
  • The Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) FLC member

Maria Leung – Training Consultant

  • Master of Arts in Human Resources Development (USA)
  • Diploma in Training Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Accredited Administrator of MBTI®

Joey Lee – Service and Process Development Practitioner

  • MBA, Macquarie University (Australia)
  • Master of Operations & Logistics, Macquarie University (Australia)
  • Call Centre Management, Sibel University (USA)
  • Registered Quality Professional, SSI